Linear classifier from scratch
In this project I build a linear classifier from scratch using MNIST dataset (a standard digit classification dataset). Given a 28 \(\times\) 28 image containing a digit from 0 to 9, our goal is deducing which digit the image corresponds to. The dataset has 60,000 training and 10,000 test examples. The data can be downloaded from
Formatting the data
As the data is in idx format we need convert into the format which can be read by the numpy.
X_train = idx2numpy.convert_from_file('DATA/train-images-idx3-ubyte')
Y_train = idx2numpy.convert_from_file('DATA/train-labels-idx1-ubyte')
X_test = idx2numpy.convert_from_file('DATA/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte')
Y_test = idx2numpy.convert_from_file('DATA/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte')
We further need to format the data to obtain a 2-D dataset as each input X is of dimensions 28 \(\times\) 28 we need to convert this matrix into a vector of size 784 each. Each label y is a digit from 0 to 9 we need to apply one-hot encoding on y and convert it to a vector \(y^{oh}\) of size 10. For example : if y = 5 then \(y^{oh}\) = (0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0)
#lambda functions for formatting data
feature_flatten = lambda input_ : input_.flatten() # to get the copy of the array in 1D
label_encode = lambda input_: np.eye(10, dtype = int)[input_] #10 denotes the total no. of digits in MNIST 0-9 i.e the input
#Flatten train data and one-hot encode train labels
X_train_flatten = np.array([feature_flatten(i) for i in X_train]) #list comprehension to flatten each row in the array
Y_train_label = label_encode(Y_train)
#Flatten test data and one-hot encode test labels
X_test_flatten = np.array([feature_flatten(i) for i in X_test]) #list comprehension to flatten each row in the array
Y_test_label = label_encode(Y_test)
# Normalize the features using min/max normalization
min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
#Normalize training data
X_train_flatten_normalized = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X_train_flatten)
#Normalize testing data
X_test_flatten_normalized = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X_test_flatten)
Linear Classifier
Fundamentally, our goal is to learn a matrix W so that given an input x, f(x) = Wx will correctly predict the associated label y. The label \(\hat{y}\) output by f is the location of the largest entry of f i.e \(\hat{y}\) = arg max \({0{\le} i {\le} 9 }\) \(f_i\)(x). Therefore the text accuracy is given by accuracy(W) = P(y = \(\hat{y}\))
Training the Linear Classifier model
We have used a quadratic loss and mini batch gradient descent for training. The training loss function at ith example (xi;yi):
\[L_i(W)= \frac{1}{2}||y_i-Wx_i||^2\]Minibatch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) has 3 parameters:
- Number of iternations we need to compute the gradient for.
- The batch size which would range from \({1{\le} i {\le} 60000 }\)
- The learning rate of the gradient.
Mini-Batch SGD algorithm:
Initialize: \(W_0\) = 0
for \({1{\le} t {\le} iterations }\) :
- Select a batch randomly from {1,2,…N}, \(B\) with replacement.
- We calculate the gradient descent by using the formula: G = \(\frac{1}{Batch size}\sum_{i=1}^{B}\triangledown{L_{r_i}}(W)\)
- Update weight \({W_t}={W_{t-1}}-{\eta}G\)
Return \({W_{final}}\) = \({W_{iteration}}\)
Implementing the above algoritm in code:
# This lambda function computes gradient at each step
g_step = lambda X, i, weight, y:[i].reshape(1,784).T, X[i].reshape(1,784)), weight) -[i].reshape(1,784).T, y[i].reshape(1,10))
def minibatch_SGD(iter, lr, batch_size):
weight_init = np.ones(7840).reshape(784,10) #initializing weight matrix
weight_mat_list = []
N = np.arange(60000) #N data points
for i in range(1, iter):
B = np.random.choice(N, batch_size, replace = True) #random batch selected with replacement
print("Iternation #", i)
#compute mini batch gradient
grad = np.mean([g_step(X_train_flatten_normalized, i, weight_mat_list[-1], Y_train_label) for i in B]) #list comprehension computes gradient at each data point from the randomly picked batch
print("gradient for this iter = ", grad)
#direction to move
weight_up = weight_mat_list[-1] - (lr * grad) #update weight matrix
return(weight_mat_list[-1]) #return final weight matrix
Updating the above minibatch SGD function to include training testing loss:
#lambda functions for training and test loss
training_loss = lambda X, y, weight, i: np.linalg.norm((y[i].reshape(1,10) -[i].reshape(1,784), weight)), ord = 2) / 2
test_loss = lambda test_X, test_y, weight, i: np.linalg.norm((test_y[i].reshape(1,10) -[i].reshape(1,784), weight)), ord = 2) / 2
def minibatch_SGD_updated(iter, lr, batch_size):
weight_init = np.ones(7840).reshape(784,10) #initializing weight matrix
weight_mat_list = []
training_loss_mini_batch_list = []
training_loss_all_list = []
test_loss_list = []
N = np.arange(60000) #N data points
start_time = time.time() #time in seconds recorded at the start of the training loop
for i in range(1, iter):
B = np.random.choice(N, batch_size, replace = True) #random batch selected with replacement
print("Iternation #", i)
#compute mini batch gradient
grad = np.mean([g_step(X_train_flatten_normalized, i, weight_mat_list[-1], Y_train_label) for i in B]) #list comprehension computes gradient at each data point from the randomly picked batch
print("gradient for this iter = ", grad)
#direction to move
weight_up = weight_mat_list[-1] - (lr * grad) #update weight matrix
# Computing training loss for only those data points used in the mini batch
training_loss_mini_batch_list.append(np.mean([training_loss(X_train_flatten_normalized, Y_train_label, weight_mat_list[-1], i) for i in B]))
# Computing training loss for all training data points
training_loss_all_list.append(np.mean([training_loss(X_train_flatten_normalized, Y_train_label, weight_mat_list[-1], i) for i in range(60000)]))
# Computing test loss across all test data points
test_loss_list.append(np.mean([test_loss(X_test_flatten_normalized, Y_test_label, weight_mat_list[-1], i) for i in range(10000)]))
end_time = time.time() #time in seconds recorded at the end of the training loop
training_time = end_time - start_time
return(weight_mat_list[-1], training_loss_mini_batch_list, training_loss_all_list, test_loss_list, training_time)
Effect of learning rate, Batch size on the loss function
Batch size
- Fundamental Idea: Fundamentally, batch size dictates the amount of information our optimization algorithm can use to learn the gradient. A small batch size means there is less information at each step to update the gradient.
- Effect of Convergence: With a smaller batch size the probability of the gradient jumping around is also high (as seen in our above plots as well), this would mean that convergence is slower and can take much more iterations when compared to a larger batch size.
- Effect on Time/Memory: Assuming constant iterations, lr then a smaller batch size means time or memory taken is less, because then time will be = batch size * constant time taken to compute gradient. So naturally small batch size takes less time/memory but convergence (as indicated in above point) is slower.
Learning rate
- Fundamental Idea: Fundamentally, learning rate tells us how fast we move in the gradient direction. As you can see below for the batch size of 100 the convergence is not very smooth when the learning rate is too low (0.001) or high (0.1) but the it is smooth when the learning rate is in the middle (0.01, 0.05).